City Wide Rummages & Downtown Sidewalk Sales 2025
Rummage Centerville, Shop Downtown, Enjoy our Establishments!
The City of Centerville always has things going on throughout the year and we don’t want you to miss out on them! If you’re looking at visiting us, make sure to check out our list of events to see if we have anything going on the dates you’ll be in town. If you don’t see anything, make sure you check back again as it gets closer to your trip, we update our events often.
If you’re a local, we are giving you a heads up to clear your calendars on these days! In all seriousness, we want you there and we also want to hear about events you may have going on in the area. Submit an event with us by filling out our event submission form below. Our team will get back to you within 48 hours after submitting!
Rummage Centerville, Shop Downtown, Enjoy our Establishments!
Come take part in Centerville's annual summer celebration of friends, family and freedom! In conjunction with the 4th of July. Watch for the Full Calendar of Events! Coming Soon.
Lots of holiday cheer happening in our little town. Santa will be in town, plenty of Holiday Shopping, the Parade of Lights, Caroling and A Touch of Christmas sponsored by the Centerville Arts Council.
Centerville’s version of a Hallmark Movie. This growing event takes place in the heart of downtown and offers a wide variety of Fall activities and items. A little something for everyone, you will love the atmosphere.
Come take part in Centerville's annual summer celebration of friends, family and freedom! In conjunction with the 4th of July. Click Here for Full Calendar of Events!
We invite you to participate in this important community gathering as we work collaboratively toward creating a vision for our thriving community.
City of Centerville residents only. You may not leave anything at the curb as it will not be picked up. You will need to call City Hall to schedule a drop off time (605-563-2302. You may not drop off if you are not scheduled. Drop off will be located at the City of Centerville Compost site located at the West end of Garfield Street.
Elderly & Disabled may call City Hall if needing assistance.
Rummage Centerville, Shop Downtown, Enjoy our Establishments!
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the governing body, sitting as a Review Board of Equalization for The City of Centerville, Turner County, South Dakota, will meet at City Hall 741 Main Street in said taxing jurisdiction on the 20th day of March, 2024, at 5:30 p.m., for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said taxing district for the year, 2024. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment are required to notify the clerk of the local board no later than March 17, 2024 of their intention to appeal their assessment. Please include a phone number so we can reach you regarding the appeal.
Kristin J. Voegeli
Finance Officer
City of Centerville
Your donation with LifeServe will help save your neighbor, a friend, family member or a stranger in your own community! Only blood collected by LifeServe Blood Center is provided to YOUR LOCAL hospitals. After all, shouldn’t your blood go to your hospital to save your neighbors?
Lots of holiday cheer happening in our little town. Santa will be in town, plenty of Holiday Shopping, the Parade of Lights, Caroling and A Touch of Christmas sponsored by the Centerville Arts Council.
Centerville’s version of a Hallmark Movie. This growing event takes place in the heart of downtown and offers a wide variety of Fall activities and items. A little something for everyone, you will love the atmosphere.
Past years have featured: Vendors - Food Booths - Face Painting - Live Music - Local Shopping - Carnival Games - Pumpkin Painting - Hayrides and more!
This year year we hope the celebration is even bigger and better! It will be a full Saturday of fun on Oct. 21st! Make plans to join us!
Here is a link to the events Facebook page for even more information -
TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2023
Come take part in Centerville's annual summer celebration of friends, family and freedom! In conjunction with 4th of July. Take a look at all the great activities going on this year!
May 22nd – May 27th
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
City of Centerville residents only. You may not leave anything at the curb as it will not be picked up.
We will not be recycling this year. No white appliances, TVs or computers, tires, oil, or hazardous chemicals.
You will need to call City Hall to schedule a drop off time (605)-563-2302
You may not drop off if you are not scheduled.
Drop off will be located at the City of Centerville Compost site located at the West end of Garfield Street.
Elderly & Disabled may call City Hall if needing assistance.
Saturday, April 29th
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. at City Hall.
Beresford Vet Clinic will be present to administer vaccinations.
50% off of their clinic prices. The prices will be as follows:
Rabies (dog/cat): $15
DA2PPL (dog ‘distemper’): $20, protection against distemper virus, adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and leptosporosis
Felocell (cat ‘distemper’): $15, protection against rhinotracheitis, herpesvirus-1, calicivirus, panleukopenia, parvovirus, and chlamydiosis
City animal license tags are required on an annual basis at a cost of $5.00 per pet and can be purchased at the animal clinic.
Please visit City Hall to have your pet vaccinated. Questions please call 605-563-2302. Thank you!
Mayor - Kent Austin
Council Member – Ward I Open for appointment 2 year term
Council Member – Ward II Open for appointment 2 year term
Council Member – Ward III Jackie Krebs 2 year term
9-13-14.1. Filling of vacancy on municipal governing body--Appointment or special election.
If a vacancy exists on a municipal governing body, the remaining members shall appoint a replacement to serve until the next annual municipal election, or the vacancy may be filled by special election for the remainder of the unexpired term as provided in § 9-13-14.2. In the aldermanic form of municipal government, the appointment shall be a person from the same ward of the municipality. If electing a person to fill the remainder of the unexpired term at an annual municipal election, the vacancy shall have occurred prior to the publication required by § 9-13-6.
Kristin J. Voegeli, Finance Officer
A day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. The day itself takes place on the first Saturday in December each year, but the campaign aims to have a lasting impact on small businesses.
Come take part in Centerville's annual summer celebration of friends, family and freedom! In conjunction with 4th of July. Take a look at all the great activities going on this year!
Downtown @ The Firemen’s Tent
Sponsored by The Seed Coffeehouse & Eatery
Bean Bag Tournament @ Mushy’s Bowling Alley
MUST Pre-register by calling 605-214-3893 or 605-214-1562
Open to first 28 teams
Register between 6:00 & 7:00 – must be back by 9pm
6:30pm – 9:00pm – Poker Run
Start & Finish at the Desert Inn
Sponsored by the Desert Inn
@ Downtown at Firemen’s Tent
Sponsored by Centerville Fire Dept
Cars to Park Along Main Street - Come & Go as You Please
Awards will be given for Mayor’s Choice & People’s Choice at 6pm.
No Dogs Allowed.
1:30pm – 1:45pm – Purchase Ducks for the Duck Drop @ the City Pool
– Register your duck no later than 1:45pm!
1:45pm – Kid’s Duck Drop @ the City Pool
Sponsored by Tuffy's Tots Daycare 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Youth 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Outdoor Basketball Courts @ Peder Larsen Park
Contact Eric at 605-868-8207
Kid’s Inflatable’s Open @ Peder Larsen Park
Sponsored by Centerville Care & Rehab Center